Mounts ‘Windows on the Floating World’ Article

Jul 20, 2016

“WEST PALM BEACH — Mounts Botanical Garden plans to build a permanent exhibit, Windows on the Floating World, this fall.

The $500,000 project is described as “a series of see-through walkways and permanent and movable aquatic plants that will allow visitors to feel and connect to the tropical wetlands around them.”

Polly Reed, president of the Friends of Mounts, said the exhibit will include boardwalks, benches and displays to let visitors relax and reflect on ecology and the need to protect fresh water.

Transparent, open-gridded walkways will give visitors the feeling of walking on water. Within those walking areas will be four windows planted with aquatics rotated on a seasonal basis. Waterfalls will flow over natural stone. There’ll be an area for wading birds and a wall covered with bromeliads…”


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